Create awareness around a new store opening, social content and generate targeted traffic to the store.

The global fast-fashion retailer Primark teamed up with Brandheroes to create awareness around a new store opening in Boston, US. They wanted to engage their target group, add a little extra cool and create social content as well as take ownership of the hashtag #PrimarkUSA

Micro influencers from Boston were carefully selected and casted. First, by using audience reports to ensure they had a good following from the Boston area and that the followers had an interest in fashion. Secondly, by a trained brandhero eye to ensure the influencers had a brand-fit with the Primark brand – and could add that extra cool to the brand via their interpretation and styling of the products.

The brandheroes were invited into the store to shop for 150 USD. This way they could select and curate their own outfits – as all the profiles had wonderfully different approaches to the Primark styling.

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