Trendy Tea Time

Just because everyone else is creating the same version of a product, doesn’t mean that you have to – just have a look at these 3 original tea bags.
Not many people want to share pictures of the little things in life because it’s just trivial.
The morning cup of tea looks pretty much the same for the president, the CEO and your old neighbor. Therefore, it can be a hurdle for genuine food manufacturers to get their dried tea leaves on social media.
However, 2018 is the perfect year to change up the packaging for a cost-effective eyecatcher at both the store shelves and the picture frames on social media.
The deep answer
Many will say, that in order to experience true excitement and happiness in life, you have to upgrade your rusty car, your house or handbag to something bright and expensive. But our brains work in a sneaky way, and will actually produce the same happiness hormones when we start to upgrade the little things in our everyday life. It could be lighting up scented candles while taking your shower, or making your morning tea memorable – with a fun, edgy and different replacement to the regular bag of tea.
These small and simple changes can have a much bigger impact on the quality of life for your customers than expected.
Make people’s day. Give them something to talk about. Give your genuine products a new life with packaging ready for a photoshoot at the breakfast table.